Saudi arabia wants to blow itself up…

…and the geo-grunes should dance for joy

Nobody expected this, least of all the guild of miltary experts: The world was astonished when Saddam Hussein set hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells ablaze fourteen years ago (cf. ol – the other weapon of mass destruction). Such gigantic acts of sabotage have not been part of the modern war repertoire until now.

Burning oil wells in Kuwait in May 1991. Photo: Pentagon

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Syria: war propaganda in the 21st. Century

Syria: war propaganda in the 21st century

A Syrian oppositionist, presumably from Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham, in a Turkish tank. Only since the Islamist militias started committing brutalities in the service of the Turkish military, the Western media woke up. Photo: Propaganda of the HTS-"Media agency"

Leaks from British Auben Ministry Confirm Allegations of Systematic Whitewashing of Armed Islamist Militias as Moderate Opposition

The label "moderate opposition" or "Rebels" as a collective name for the militias that wanted to bring about an Islamic state in Syria by force of arms, has lasted for a long time. It is only in the last few months that the term "rebel" has appeared in German, English or French reports "Islamist" or "jihadist" more often when it comes to these groupings.

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Left and right: the human system question

Europe drifts to the right. This is not due to the system, but to the people. A polemic

Just about 30.000 Austrians prevent a right-wing to radical right-wing federal president. A Gluck. But the election also showed how far the brown swamp has penetrated into the bourgeois center. For the (factually existing) failures of politics, both left and right once again blame the evil system and enter into unpleasant rhetorical alliances. But the real problems are not systematic at all – they are all too human. Nothing demonstrates this better than the rampant shift to the right.

"Right and left", Erich Jandl wrote in 1966, "you can not / velwechsern. / what an illusion." Most of them still know this poem from school. It has not lost its actuality. The classic topics of the left are now occupied by the right again – in a perfidious way. The rejection of the system, the establishment, the lobby republic, the disastrous social policy. And so on. All this is written on the flags of Pegida, next to xenophobic slogans, in a similar aggressive tone as at many left-wing demonstrations. When people march against TTIP, tens to hundreds of thousands gather; Antifa is among them, as are the NPD and Pegida supporters. How does it go together?

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Secret us camp in jordan

According to information, high-ranking al-Qaeda members are being held in a CIA camp in Jordan

The human rights organization Human Rights Watch has accused the U.S. government in a report of making political opponents disappear, just as Latin American military dictatorships do. Namely, 11 al-Qaida affiliates are known to be in U.S. custody, but there is no indication of where they are being held in the U.S. camp system, which is scattered around the world, or how they are being treated. According to the report of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, such a secret camp is supposed to be located in Jordan, as has been suspected for a long time.

Human Rights Watch’s report on U.S. disappearances "Disappearances" back into history. It refers to practices in Nazi Germany, but above all to the practice of military dictatorships in Latin America, partly supported by the United States, which kidnapped, secretly tortured and killed political opponents – and also justified themselves because they were fighting terrorists.

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Turkic intelligence agency mit is now under erdogan’s control

Turkic intelligence service with is now under erdogan's control

Mass spying by MIT in Germany

The Turkish president continues to expand his power. In the future, the secret service will be under the direct control of the Prasidial Office. In Germany, MIT (Milli Istihbarat Teskilati) relies on its moles in German institutions – primarily in the German police force. Also among the Turkish asylum seekers are senior police officials and dismissed employees of the MIT.

Erdogan’s fear of being pushed from the sultan’s throne must be enormous. More and more institutions are directly under Erdogan’s control, more and more civil servants are dismissed and replaced by loyal vassals. There are reports from media close to the government that the state religious authority Diyanet and the press relations are to be handed over directly to the President of the Republic.

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Spies fishing

Spies while fishing

Russian Gulf II-class submarine. (A sister ship of the K-129). Image: U.S. Navy

The intelligence fog around the CIA ship "Hughes Glomar Explorer" clears gradually

This January, the CIA for the first time released documents about the fabled "Project Azorian" In 1974, the American foreign intelligence service used a camouflaged special ship to recover a Russian submarine that had sunk under mysterious circumstances.000 m depth should have recovered. But one third of this summary report is still blacked out. Even if some questions remain unanswered, most of it has leaked out, though still not to the mainstream media.

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Landesverrats-affare: attorney general ranges anger at maas

The expert of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office confirms in advance the assessment of the interception protection. The Federal Ministry of Justice instructs Range to stop the expert opinion

The expert commissioned by the Attorney General’s Office is back from his summer vacation, unexpectedly quickly, and causes dramatic effect in the political theater, to which the investigation for treason against

The unnamed outside expert retained by the Office of the Attorney General in the matter bamboozled the expert community with his assessment that the documents, which were released on 15. April on were published to "a state secret acts".

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Threatening bardemanover of chinese and vietnamese ships

Threatening bardemanover of chinese and vietnamese ships

Graphic: TP

Off the gas drilling platform of a Russian company in the South China Sea, the island dispute increases in sharpness

In the South China Sea, the dispute between China and Vietnam intensifies. The Vietnamese authorities granted the Russian energy company Rosneft a permit to explore the Lan Do gas field. This gas field lies within the so-called Nine-Dash Line – that is, within the maritime territory that China claims exclusively for itself. On the map below this area is marked with a red line. At the same time, however, it is also within the zone marked with a blue line, which Vietnam considers to be its maritime zone.

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Questions of knowledge and conscience of the professional civil service

Ies of knowledge and conscience of the professional civil service

The rhetoric of leading state security officials reveals disturbing parallels in the state’s counterterrorism efforts

The open border between the knowledge and the not-knowing has always fascinated the poets and thinkers. Philosopher Plato saw himself climbing in a cave, poet Goethe discovered a pact with the devil, physicist Heisenberg struggled with the paradoxes of quantum mechanics. Who would have thought that this interesting terrain would be occupied by modern administration?

Internal security officials are sometimes confronted with difficult intellectual challenges. Thereby they often have to deal with Faustian questions. In the following, three exemplary performances by so-called security officials are presented, which, when examined closely, reveal how fragile the situation is in this democracy. Every time it is about the problem of the right way of dealing with "Known knowledge", as one of the gentlemen briefly called it.

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After the boom is before the crash

After the boom is before the crash


From New York to Frankfurt: Stock prices are already plummeting again

When, as in these days, the stock exchange rates collapse, it is time for "Legendary investors", to enter the scene. Their task is to make sense of the often irrational price movements on the markets. The words of the gurus are listened to with rough devotion by the financial community. They act as projection surfaces for the desires and fears of the stock market public.

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